League Soccer - The Universal Rankings

This list updated 24/07/2024

1 Scarborough (Game 64) Richard Ladd 225000 pts
2 Bayrn.Munich (Game 64) Gerard O'Brien 224000 pts
3 Real Madrid (Game 19) Daniel Brickles 224000 pts
4 Chelsea (Game 8) Thomas Booth 224000 pts
5 Cryst.Palace (Game 19) Russell Piper 224000 pts
6 Lazio (Game 64) Rich Coupland 224000 pts
7 Everton (Game 19) Patrick Lyons 223000 pts
8 Chelsea (Game 19) Ben Alexis 223000 pts
9 Liverpool (Game 8) Mark Hanby 223000 pts
10 RB Leipzig (Game 22) Dean Walker 223000 pts
11 Aston Villa (Game 41) Paul Bennett 223000 pts
12 Real Madrid (Game 64) James Teager 223000 pts
13 Bor.Dortmund (Game 99) Gary Cunningham 223000 pts
14 Napoli (Game 19) Russell Piper 222000 pts
15 Lazio (Game 19) Gary Cunningham 222000 pts
16 AC Milan (Game 20) Stuart Lees 222000 pts
17 Lazio (Game 41) Jamie Maycroft 222000 pts
18 Sheff.Weds. (Game 64) Chris Burton 222000 pts
19 Tottenham (Game 99) Gary Cunningham 221000 pts
20 Barcelona (Game 64) Patrick Lyons 221000 pts
21 Schalke 04 (Game 19) Patrick Lyons 221000 pts
22 Ajax (Game 19) Richard Ladd 221000 pts
23 Derby County (Game 8) Stuart Hanby 221000 pts
24 Rangers (Game 19) Dean Walker 221000 pts
25 Leeds United (Game 22) Paul Bennett 221000 pts
26 Atl.Madrid (Game 41) Paul Bennett 221000 pts
27 Nottm Forest (Game 99) Mike Paoloni 221000 pts
28 Ajax (Game 64) Niall Cunningham 220000 pts
29 Monaco (Game 64) Chris Burton 220000 pts
30 Man. United (Game 64) Russell Piper 220000 pts
31 Napoli (Game 22) Brian J.Cussans 220000 pts
32 Real Madrid (Game 22) Noah Bennett 220000 pts
33 Bournemouth (Game 19) Ted Ansell 220000 pts
34 Barcelona (Game 19) Paul Davies 220000 pts
35 Coventry C (Game 30) Paul Davies 220000 pts
36 Paris St.Gm (Game 41) Matthew Kane 220000 pts
37 Man. City (Game 64) Rich Coupland 220000 pts
38 Atl.Madrid (Game 64) Scott Rose 220000 pts
39 Brighton (Game 99) Ben Alexis 220000 pts
40 Newcastle U. (Game 64) Brian J.Cussans 219000 pts
41 Paris St.Gm (Game 19) Niall Cunningham 219000 pts
42 Man. City (Game 19) Daniel Brickles 219000 pts
43 Blackburn (Game 19) Gary Nuttall 219000 pts
44 Everton (Game 22) Paul Grace 219000 pts
45 Tottenham (Game 22) Paul Price 219000 pts
46 Doncaster (Game 64) Ted Ansell 219000 pts
47 Wolves (Game 64) Jamie Maycroft 219000 pts
48 Birmingham C (Game 99) Bazz Wetton 219000 pts
49 Napoli (Game 99) Brian J.Cussans 218000 pts
50 Real Madrid (Game 99) Mike Paoloni 218000 pts
51 Wolves (Game 99) Jamie Maycroft 218000 pts
52 Sunderland (Game 64) Andrew Kitching 218000 pts
53 Arsenal (Game 64) Paul Bennett 218000 pts
54 Grimsby Town (Game 41) Phill Cortes 218000 pts
55 Bayrn.Munich (Game 30) Darren Wilson 218000 pts
56 Chelsea (Game 22) Phil Burt 218000 pts
57 R.Sociedad (Game 19) Jamie Maycroft 218000 pts
58 Liverpool (Game 19) Bobby Bajwa 218000 pts
59 AFC Wimbldon (Game 19) Paul Bennett 218000 pts
60 Roma (Game 19) Phil Burt 218000 pts
61 Paris St.Gm (Game 22) Cai Bennett 218000 pts
62 Como 1907 (Game 22) Paul Bennett 218000 pts
63 Tottenham (Game 41) Chris Small 218000 pts
64 Bor.Dortmund (Game 41) Chris Small 218000 pts
65 Derby County (Game 64) Scott Rose 218000 pts
66 Millwall (Game 64) James West 218000 pts
67 Inter Milan (Game 64) James West 218000 pts
68 Bayrn.Munich (Game 99) Patrick Lyons 218000 pts
69 Udinese (Game 64) Jamie Maycroft 217000 pts
70 Flamengo (Game 19) James West 217000 pts
71 Bor.Dortmund (Game 19) Brian J.Cussans 217000 pts
72 Lyon (Game 19) Bobby Bajwa 217000 pts
73 West Brom. (Game 19) Marc Thompson 217000 pts
74 Man. City (Game 22) Ryan Milligan 217000 pts
75 Bayrn.Munich (Game 22) Paul Grace 217000 pts
76 Everton (Game 41) Matthew Fletcher 217000 pts
77 Juventus (Game 64) Mark Wheat 217000 pts
78 Man. City (Game 99) Brian J.Cussans 216000 pts
79 Liverpool (Game 41) Mark Rowe 216000 pts
80 Sassuolo (Game 22) David Burgess 216000 pts
81 Ath.Bilbao (Game 20) Stuart Lees 216000 pts
82 Bayrn.Munich (Game 19) Paul Bennett 216000 pts
83 Atl.Madrid (Game 19) Paul Grace 216000 pts
84 Aston Villa (Game 19) Niall Cunningham 216000 pts
85 FC Porto (Game 19) James Teager 216000 pts
86 Liverpool (Game 22) Brian J.Cussans 216000 pts
87 Liverpool (Game 99) Jason Phillips 216000 pts
88 Monaco (Game 22) Ted Ansell 215000 pts
89 Juventus (Game 19) Noah Bennett 215000 pts
90 Atalanta (Game 19) Cai Bennett 215000 pts
91 Brighton &HA (Game 19) Paul Davies 215000 pts
92 Inter Milan (Game 19) Ian Taplin 215000 pts
93 AC Milan (Game 41) Noah Bennett 215000 pts
94 Man. United (Game 99) Paul Price 215000 pts
95 Barcelona (Game 41) Paul Bennett 214000 pts
96 Man. City (Game 41) Jamie Harris 214000 pts
97 Man City (Game 30) Yan Eriksson 214000 pts
98 Barcelona (Game 22) Ryan Milligan 214000 pts
99 Udinese (Game 99) Jamie Maycroft 213000 pts
100 Celtic (Game 64) Garysean Wilson 213000 pts

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